We spend Christmas Eve every year at my grandma and grandpa's house. This year was no different, and Emily wore her Christmas jammies to celebrate in style. She opened her presents from Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. She got a baby doll (we're hoping she can use it to practice for when her baby brother gets here), a super cute outfit, and a purse that has all kinds of goodies inside. Here she is playing with the purse and its contents:One thing that Emily loves to do is stand on boxes. Rather than simply opening them, she enjoys giving them a good bounce first, to make sure they are quality boxes.
She finally went to bed around 9:00, just missing Aunt Jen, Uncle Jason, and Isabelle. But, we knew she had a big day on Christmas, so our tired little elf had to sleep.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Eve
Posted by Courtney at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Rocky Ridge
We went to Rocky Ridge to see Christmas Magic this year. Last year Emily liked it, but this year she absolutely loved the lights! She had so much fun with Grandma Sipe, Great Grandma March, Dan, and I! The only part she didn't like this year was Santa. Dan tried to sit her on his lap, but she immediately began reaching for Dan and crying. So...Dan and Emily both got to have their pictures taken with Santa.In a sleigh there, we sat to have our picture taken. Since my mom was the one in charge of picture taking, it took way longer than it should have :)
Posted by Courtney at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Busy, Busy
This week was crazy busy. On Monday, I got a call from Diabetes Management; it was time to begin insulin shots. So, I picked them up, gave myself a pep talk, and got started. I can't say it's fun...it's definitely easier to take the oral meds...but it's not torturous. The only problem I seem to have is bruising on my one side...I must stick the needle in differently when reaching across my growing expanse of a belly. I also had an ob appointment Monday night, which was worrisome since my blood pressure was way high. I've never had an issue with high blood pressure, so the doctor was a bit worried. After three tries, it did go back down, but the issue scored me another appointment on Wednesday for another blood pressure check. Luckily, that day it was just fine, so I'm off the hook for my blood pressure. The doctor did mention that while my due date is in April and the goal is to schedule the c-section at the beginning of April, I should be aware that they may push me earlier.
Thursday I had my ultrasound and echocardiogram. The baby looked great! His heart is perfect, and he is growing just fine. They are estimating his weight at one pound twelve ounces right now. It sounded big to me, but the tech told me it's right on schedule. He's very active in there, and at one point he actually kicked the probe off my belly! My next ultrasound is on January 19, so we'll see how he's coming along then.
The big news is that Dan has chosen a name! Like last time, we are not going to share. There are a few reasons for this. First and foremost, we want the option to change our minds if we need to :) Also, I have been around too many pregnant women who have gotten negative reactions to the names they've chosen. I figure once he's out, most people will just be so enthralled with him that they won't need to comment on his name. Plus, we like to have a surprise for everyone, and since everyone knows the gender, this is our secret we're keeping. I will say that I am very happy with the name, and I think that most people will like it. Dan did a great job!
Posted by Courtney at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Baby Bedding
After the fiasco that occurred when Dan and I bought new bedding for our room, I was determined to give up some control over what the baby's nursery would look like. I chose Emily's bedding pretty much by myself. I showed Dan what I liked, he agreed, and we bought it. This may be part of the reason why the word "dictator" was thrown around when we were arguing about which bedding we should put in our room. So, this time I allowed Dan to choose. Sort've.
I found several bedding options I liked. Two had ships on them. One featured whales and monkeys. I was purposely staying away from anything sports related for a few reasons. First, I don't really like sports. I've seen some events in person, and they're actually fun, but to sit around and watch ESPN and listen to those announcers? It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. Second, I think it's sort've expected that if you have a boy, he will have a sports related room. While I don't think that's a bad thing, I did want to do something a bit different. After all, that's part of the reason why Emily didn't get a pink room. Third, I kept thinking that subconsciously, we would be setting up expectations for our son to be an athlete. Why put that kind of pressure on an infant? What if he's artistic? What if he enjoys ballet?
So, Dan looked at my "pre-approved" options. Then he chose this:Yep...our little guy will have a sports room after all. And that's okay...because this dictator promised to accept the choice that Dan made.
Posted by Courtney at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
21 Week picture
I absolutely hate having my picture taken while pregnant, but I didn't want to feel guilty for not having any pictures this time around. So...this is me at 21 weeks. I feel much larger this time around, even though technically I don't weigh more. Maybe it's because it's a boy, so I'm carrying differently.
Posted by Courtney at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Quick Stats Update
Emily had her 18 month appointment last week. For those of you not in the know, at her last appointment (15 months) the doctor was concerned about her weight. As in, she wasn't gaining enough. Yeah, I know, tough right? Anyway, I knew that she had to have made some progress because the girl shovels food into her mouth like it's going out of style (like Mommy, like daughter). Also, when looking at us side by side, you have a hard time guessing which one is carrying a baby in her belly (I'll post some pics at a later time).
Emily now weighs a whopping 21 pounds, putting her between the 5th and 10th percentile for weight. The doctor was happy about this, since she did gain since last time. She is now officially heavy enough to flip her car seat to forward facing, although our pediatrician recommended we wait on that since she's still "on the small side". She is 31 and a half inches long, which puts her at almost the same height as her Grandma Sipe. Those two will be trading clothes in no time! Actually, she's in the 50th percentile for height. But what is really growing on this girl? Her head, which is in the 60th percentile. So basically, if you have a kid who is in the 5th for weight and the 60th for head size, you can sort've picture her by picturing a lollipop with feet.
Posted by Courtney at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Happy Anniversary (Part 2)
Posted by Courtney at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Happy Anniversary (Part 1)
Posted by Courtney at 1:24 PM 0 comments