Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2009!

We had a very good 2008. It brought lots of changes...I went back to work in January, which was a huge adjustment for the entire family. Emily had to start daycare, I had to learn to balance being a mommy with working full-time, and Dan really stepped up and helped me out when I felt like I was losing it!

Emily had her first birthday in May, and it was so difficult to accept how quickly time had passed. We had the chance to see many family members we hadn't seen for awhile! We spent the summer hanging out at the pool, visiting my dad and Shirley in North Carolina, and enjoying the weather. I had Emily all to myself while off for the summer, so it was hard on both of us when school began again at the end of August. The summer also brought some exciting news...I was pregnant again! While it was scary to think about two kids, and I suffered from morning sickness all day long again, we were definitely excited to welcome another addition into our family.

This fall passed very quickly. Emily really began growing up, and since learning to walk, has been very difficult to keep up with! It's amazing to see the new things she learns every day, and Dan and I both can be entertained just by watching her. She is developing a little personality all her own, and she has a very cute sense of humor. We also found out that Emily will be having a little brother.

We are beginning the new year by getting ready for the little guy and by enjoying Emily each day. I can't believe how grown up she seems sometimes. She understands so much, and she's using new words and achieving new milestones. We are so blessed and lucky to have each other, our families, and our friends, and we're going into 2009 thankful for all of it.