Owen Danny Bilodeau was born on March 20, 2009 at 9:10 A.M. After getting to the hospital at 6:30 that morning, I was put into a hospital gown, hooked up to an IV and fetal monitors, and we waited. At 8:30 on the dot I was taken into the operating room while Dan changed into scrubs. Getting the spinal was more uncomfortable than I remembered, but it probably was because last time I was in the midst of contractions and just wanted them to stop! After the spinal, they began cleaning off my belly and getting everything set up. They checked to make sure I was numb, then brought Dan in. As he sat beside me talking and trying to distract me, the doctors were hard at work. I did start shaking again; this happened with Emily as well, and apparently is due to the anesthesia. After what seemed like forever, I was told I'd feel some pressure, and then....the loudest cries ever came from behind the drape! I don't remember Emily's first cries at all since I was so drugged and out of it, so it was so wonderful to finally be able to experience that moment. Dan cut the cord and stayed with Owen while he was wiped off and his Apgar was taken, then he was able to bring him over to me. They stayed for a little while, then headed to the nursery while I was put back together. Imagine my surprise when, in recovery, I learned Owen only weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces! He was less than Emily! Everyone is doing fine, and I am especially surprised at how easy it was this time around. I got out of bed this morning, and now that I'm off the IV, I showered and have almost no pain at all. Owen had some trouble breathing at first, but that was normal, and now he's doing really well. We're working on breastfeeding, and that is going better each time. So...here are some pictures for everyone! I'm sure there will be more soon :)
Right after Owen's birth:Emily meeting her baby brother for the first time! She was skeptical at first, but by the time she left, she'd been giving him kisses, hugs, and identifying his facial parts.
Owen and I this morning after I got out of bed. Ignore the glasses and goofy smile.
Owen engaged in his favorite pasttime...sleeping! He's been an awesome baby so far, hardly any fussing at all.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Meet Owen Danny Bilodeau
Posted by Courtney at 11:23 AM
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