Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flu of an Un-Swine Variety

I took Emily to the doctor today since she couldn't keep anything down. The diagnosis: flu. However, she made sure to specify that it was not swine flu (I guess there were a lot of confused parents since the office workers and anyone with a fever - yep, that meant Emily - had to wear a medical mask). I'm happy to report that we've been vomit free for almost 24 hours, and she did eat some crackers this afternoon, so hopefully we're on the road to recovery. The only worry is that apparently this is highly contagious, and we're planning Emily's party for this Saturday. I hope that my vigilance with the Clorox spray and my love affair with the hand sanitizer will help keep the rest of us healthy.


Toshia said...

I check up on you every day and am excited to see a new entry! :) haha Glad there is no swine flu in the Bilodeau household!