Memorial Day weekend was a fun-filled weekend. Not only did we get together with the regular family members we hang out with, but because my niece and nephew both had birthdays within a week of Memorial Day, my brother and his family and my dad and stepmom came to town. Just a couple pictures of my family...
Dan and grandma hung by the pool. We did get in for a little...thanks to a solar cover and my mom and Ron's impatience in the pool-opening time, the water was actually pretty warm.
Emily LOVES hanging out with her cousin, Isabelle. They are a year apart, so Emily looks up to her and wants to do everything that she does. Sometimes this is good (like whenever Isabelle had to go potty). Sometimes it's enough to drive me crazy, but it's cute nonetheless. They were lying on the hammock together after a rough day of picnic-ing and swimming.

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