The kids, Amber, and I spent July 15-20 in North Carolina with Dad and Shirley. Amber came along to help me out with the kids, since Dan thought he was out of vacation days. Thank goodness she did...I don't think I could have made the drive or stayed sane during the trip without her!
We got started a bit later than I first planned...8:00 Thursday morning. By mile 61, Emily had thrown up in the car. So disgusting. The sad part? She warned us, but I figured it was just her being silly (sometimes she likes to pretend she's sick). Minutes later, we were in the vomit-mobile. Other than that incident, our drive was pretty fun. Amber and I got to see the booming metropolis of Mineral, Virginia, and we met these fun guys at a gas station in North Carolina.
The kids, for their part, did a great job on the 10.5 hour ride. They entertained themselves and each other by playing with an empty bag and empty water bottles. Their favorite activity, by far, was sucking on their toes and screaming with glee. This was my favorite activity:
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