Thursday, November 4, 2010

Surgery Time

I apologize for taking so long to get more pictures and whatnot up here. The past few weeks have been busy...3 weddings in October, Halloween, and now Dan't surgery. I promise to keep up better once he's home!

Yesterday Dan went in for an open bowel resection. Basically, they cut out the right side of his colon and about 2 feet of small intestine, then joined up the remaining "stuff". This is supposed to get rid of the part that was very diseased from his Crohn's disease. We're hopeful that he can stop living in pain and discomfort and start living a more normal life.

Dan's doing well, all things considered. Yesterday after surgery he was in quite a bit of pain, which I think he expected, but I don't think he realized how much it would hurt. He also dealt with nausea that came and went. Luckily, today was better. He was up and walking, he felt better, and his pain wasn't as bad. He's still on ice water for his meals (yep, just ice water) and he had an unfortunate catheter removal experience that gives him the shudders to retell, but overall, it was a good day.

On my end, I now realize that I do not have what it takes to be a single mother :) Being in charge of both kids is exhausting and sometimes downright impossible. My mom has been helping out a ton, which I'm so grateful for, but there have still been tears shed from all three Bilodeaus.

We're hoping Dan gets out of the hospital in the next few all depends how well his body does at taking other liquids and foods. While he still will be out of commission once he's home, I miss just having him around and can't wait for him to be back with us!