Friday, December 31, 2010

Surgery update

As most who read this know, I had surgery December 27th. While I knew I'd be in some discomfort, I still had big plans to do some painting and grading over my week-long break. I guess I underestimated the "discomfort" because I got a whole lot of nothing done. However, I'm happy to report that every day I feel a bit better, I'm back to being able to lift the kids, and I expect to be 100% in a couple more days (just in time to return to work!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Night

After a morning filled with sugar and presents and a very long nap (for all of us), we headed to mom's to continue the Christmas fun. Aunt Helaina and Uncle Ron once again got the kids some nice loud presents :) Owen got a scooter that makes all kinds of fun noises, and Emily got her very own thousand piece band! Owen enjoyed playing the triangle:

Then moved on to banging the xylophone while Emily took her turn with the triangle:
Auntie Amber stopped by for a visit. Both kids love hanging out with Amber, and she made fast friends with Emily when she gave her some books.

Owen was obviously enamored too!
Later, Dan and Amber practiced their figure skating routine on mom's floors. For anyone who hasn't experienced the terror of mom's waxed glad. They have been the site of many an accident, including some stair falls (seriously...who waxes wooden stairs???)

Christmas Morning

Santa definitely arrived at our house!

Santa's gift to the kids was a kitchen. The two of them seem obsessed with household chores, and Emily loved playing with the kitchen at the dentist's office, so Santa knew this gift would go over well. It even has a grill so Owen can cook just like Daddy!

The mountain of presents for the kids seemed neverending!

Enjoying some donuts from their Christmas stockings...the first hits of a day long sugar high that would be driving me crazy by the end of the night!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

It's the most wonderful time of the year! I love Christmas time, and this year was one of the best in recent memory. Christmas Eve was almost how I remember it as a kid...lots of family, very loud, and completely fun! After church, mom, Ron, Grandma, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Art, Matthew, and Holly came over to celebrate with us.

Emily and Owen opened their presents from Aunt Sharon and Uncle Art. While Owen was the one who got the drill (and safety goggles), Emily is the one who says SAFETY FIRST! She modeled the goggles so everyone could see how stylish safety could be.

Owen and Emily both love their aunt, and Owen gave plenty of hugs!

Grandma made her traditional brisket (yum...why do we only get this once a year???).
Owen posed in his Christmas Eve outfit...he's such a handsome little man.

And Emily looked beautiful in her sparkly dress and shoes. She's practicing her "cute" pose.

Monday, December 13, 2010

1st Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

This year, we decided to throw a Christmas party. It morphed into an ugly Christmas sweater party, and it was so much fun, I think we'll end up doing it every year! Some pictures....

Dan (who won third place) and I
Leesa (whose Christmas cactus sweater garnered her 2nd place) and her husband Shane
The Resetars and Fortinos...the boys plugged themselves in! Mike created the sweatshirts, which had actual ladies under each "Ho".
The Resetar/Fortino cute!
Team English!

Rocky Ridge Lights!

This year, we decided to head to Rocky Ridge to see the Christmas lights. We took mom and Ron along with us and had an amazing time! Emily was really into the lights and the entire experience this year. Poor Owen spent most of his time in the buggy, but we're hoping next year he's ready to love the lights just as much as Em did.

Mom and Ron showing off the kids:

Emily with Santa. She's still not sure of him, but she was brave enough to go up and ask him for the only thing she says when we ask what she wants: a unicorn Pillow Pet!
She could barely stay on the trail she was so excited about the lights.
Owen...not so much. But he had fun anyway, I think.
Em insisted on giving hugs to certain displays. Frosty almost fell over after her affections!