After a morning filled with sugar and presents and a very long nap (for all of us), we headed to mom's to continue the Christmas fun. Aunt Helaina and Uncle Ron once again got the kids some nice loud presents :) Owen got a scooter that makes all kinds of fun noises, and Emily got her very own thousand piece band! Owen enjoyed playing the triangle:
Then moved on to banging the xylophone while Emily took her turn with the triangle:

Auntie Amber stopped by for a visit. Both kids love hanging out with Amber, and she made fast friends with Emily when she gave her some books.

Owen was obviously enamored too!

Later, Dan and Amber practiced their figure skating routine on mom's floors. For anyone who hasn't experienced the terror of mom's waxed glad. They have been the site of many an accident, including some stair falls (seriously...who waxes wooden stairs???)

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