Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Great Bedding Battle

After taking most readers' advice (and going with Dan's favorite), I ordered the blue and tan comforter. I wasn't too jazzed about having the blue and tan, mainly because that seems to have been my bedroom color scheme for years and years. But, I figured, majority voted and chose that one, and as Dan said, why do I even ask if I'm going to just get what I want? So it came, and right away I was appalled. The blue was not the pretty light blue in the picture. It's was sort've a dirty looking light blue, and the tans and greys were all blended together. Still, I figured I'd wait until we had the bed, then I'd see how it looked.

Dan and his friend Joe used last Saturday to pick up our new bed and mattress. I was out running errands and getting my hair turned brown, so I was gone most of the afternoon. I came home to an empty house, and I headed upstairs. Dan, trying to be a thoughtful husband, had made the bed up for me. I cried, not out of gratitude, but because the bedding was so much more hideous once in our room. The tan walls and carpet made the entire room look like a dirty tan cave. I hated it. Dan chose that moment to return home, and I lost it. I now blame it on a combination of pregnancy hormones and two very bad days leading up to it, but I was not nice to him. I cried. I yelled. I pulled the bedding off the bed. Then I pouted.

Instead of asking for a divorce or the papers to commit me to a psychiatric facility, I must say my husband handled the entire thing very well. We went out that night and found some new (and unfortunately much pricier) bedding that we both really like. See what you think:S