Friday, February 5, 2010

The One....Finally

Who knew so much drama could happen in just a day or so? Yesterday, Dan and I found not one, but two, houses we liked. In fact, we liked both so much, we couldn't make a decision. Back and forth we debated. We knew we had to act fast if we wanted House A, because there was another offer on it (although we were told it wasn't a great one), and the owners had to answer by last night. We went over pros and cons of both House A and House B. We looked at it from all angles. And before we left our realtor late yesterday afternoon, we'd written an offer on House A. Big sigh of relief. Except....

The owners countered. Now, it wasn't about price or closing costs or anything significant. It was about master bedroom curtains, which they wanted to be sure we didn't think we'd get (we didn't want 'em) and a date that really didn't mean much at all. So late last night, Katie (best real estate agent...seriously, she's helped us through a lot) told us she'd send the new contract over, we'd sign, and we had a deal. Big sigh again, right? But...

I woke up this morning from a dream about House B. As I showered, I kept telling myself the reasons we chose House A. They were good reasons. But they were not enough to keep me from thinking about House B. So I texted Dan for backup. By the time he called me, I was in a full blown panic attack. I was convinced we'd chosen wrong. I sobbed. I couldn't breathe. It was ugly, especially before 6:30 A.M. So...I put in a cry for help to Katie.

Turns out, because the owners of House A countered, we weren't beholden to them or their house. We had an opportunity. After one long list of pros and cons, several emails and texts, and a very near nervous breakdown (me, not Dan), we made a decision. We wrote an offer on House B tonight, and we should hear back by Monday. And the panic attacks? Gone. This is our home, I'm 100% sure of it.


Izzy'sMom said...

I hope you get it! I love it!! That was quite an emotional post I thought I was going to end in tears!!!